“If consumed in moderation, orange juice can be included in a healthy diet,” says Lon Ben-Asher, MS, RD, LD/N, nutritionist at Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami, “It is nutrient-dense, providing essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which has been shown to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of cancer.”  Here’s a look at the benefits you’ll see if you drink orange juice every day, and what you should know about drinking too much. 

What happens to your body when you drink orange juice every day

You’ll get a vitamin C boost

Orange juice is high in vitamin C, which Kim Rose, RD, registered dietician for food tracking app Lose It!, says your body can’t produce on its own. “Drinking a glass of orange juice is a sure way to obtain an excellent amount of your recommended daily vitamin C intake,” she says.  Vitamin C keeps your skin, bones, gums, and teeth healthy, too. It also prevents scurvy, a rare condition caused by vitamin C deficiency that leads to anemia, bruise-like marks on the skin, and gum and dental problems.  But it is possible to get too much vitamin C. The daily recommended allowance for vitamin C is 65 mg to 90 mg, Rose says, and one cup of orange juice contains about 120 mg. Since vitamin C is water-soluble, you’ll likely get rid of the excess vitamin C through urination. However, in some cases, over-consuming vitamin C could cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, or headaches.   Rose says you shouldn’t consume 15 or more cups of orange juice, as that’s way over the daily recommended amount. 

You’ll see immunity benefits

Vitamin C helps the body grow and repair tissues. And, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it can help heal wounds and fight free radicals in the body, which may prevent certain cancers and heart disease. Vitamin C also helps reduce the effects of osteoarthritis and helps you age well.  It also has immunity-boosting properties. Vitamin C might not keep you from getting sick, but research shows it might decrease the length and severity of a cold. 

You might be increasing your added sugar intake

Not all orange juices are the same, Rose says. Many products contain added sugar, so she recommends looking for juices made from 100% oranges or 100% orange juice concentrate.  “It’s important to read the nutrition facts label and ingredients section on the package,” Ben-Asher says. “It should not contain any added sugars, and sugar or other sweeteners should not appear in the ingredient section.”  Also, check that it doesn’t contain additives. Most orange juices sold at the grocery store are pasteurized, meaning they’re heated to a specific temperature to kill bacteria and prevent food-borne illness. But, Ben-Asher says this process can cause orange juice to lose some of its nutrients.  Freshly squeezed orange juice is best because it usually includes pulp, which contains some dietary fiber, he says. 

Your blood sugar may increase

Oranges contain the natural sugar fructose. Orange juice usually contains the juice from several oranges, which increases the amount of sugar you’ll consume and removes the dietary fiber, Ben-Asher says. This can increase the rate that fructose is absorbed by the body and elevate your blood sugar levels.  “Large quantities in the bloodstream will not metabolize to the full extent and can be stored as fat, which can increase risk of obesity-related type 2 diabetes,” he says.  Eating an orange instead of drinking orange juice is a better option. The soluble and insoluble fiber found in the whole fruit offers more volume for your stomach, increasing satiety and helps you feel full longer. Ben-Asher says this will keep you from consuming too many calories throughout the day.  “Consuming juice is not the same as consuming whole fruit,” he explains. “It takes about four oranges to facilitate 1 cup of juice. The commercial processing of juice removes the pulp and the flesh of the orange which then results in drinking basically sugary water that is concentrated as well as higher in calories than consuming whole fruit.” 

You’ll get a healthy amount of potassium

Orange juice also contains potassium, which is necessary for your body’s cells to function. Potassium helps regulate your heartbeat, keeps nerves and muscles functioning well, synthesizes protein, and metabolizes carbohydrates. It can also lower your risk for high blood pressure.  Drinking too much orange juice could add too much potassium to your diet, though. Ben-Asher says this could cause the condition hyperkalemia, which occurs when your blood potassium levels get too high. In extreme cases, the condition could affect the heart and cause chest pain, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Next: How to Lower Your Risk of High Blood Pressure.


Lon Ben-Asher, MS, RD, LD/N, nutritionist at Pritikin Longevity CenterKim Rose, RD, registered dietician at Lose It!,Cleveland Clinic:The Benefits of Vitamin C: Why Your Child Needs ItAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics:How Vitamin C Supports a Healthy Immune SystemAmerican Journal of Lifestyle Medicine:Vitamin C in the Prevention and Treatment of the Common ColdNational Institutes of Health:Vitamin CHarvard Medical School:The Importance of Potassium Cleveland Clinic:Hyperkalemia (High Potassium) What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Orange Juice Every Day  - 52