Especially after last week’s heart-stopping episode, “The Fangs of Freedeom,” in which the wagon train makes it across the river but not without losses. Some members of the caravan lost loved ones while others lost their much-needed supplies. They barely have time to process or grieve when they are faced with the harsh reality that lays before them. But fans will be disappointed this week as there is no new episode.
Why Is There No 1883 This Week?
Paramount didn’t give any reason for this week’s scheduled break, but we can assume it’s at least partly due to production delays that many series are facing related to the ongoing pandemic. Filming started in August but only recently wrapped, according to Paramount. Earlier this week, Tim McGraw posted this photo on Instagram of one of the last nights of filming.
When Is the Next 1883?
Don’t worry, even though there is no new episode of 1883 this week, there will be a new one next week. New episodes will resume on Jan. 30 and will drop weekly thereafter until the season finale on Sunday, Feb. 27. Warning Spoiler alert
What happened on 1883 last week?
In last week’ heartbreaking episode, as the wagon train is making its way forward, Shea (Sam Elliott), Thomas (LaMonica Garrett) and James (Tim McGraw) notice they are being followed, likely by a group of bandits looking to ransack their camp for valuables and supplies. Elsa (Isabel May) and Ennis (Eric Nelsen) escalate their relationship quickly as they two become intimate with one another on what turns out to be the eve of Ennis’ last day on Earth. After the bandits attack, Ennis is shot and killed by one of them as he is headed toward Elsa to warn her. James is there for Ennis last words, “I loved her,” he tells him before he breathes his last breath. When Elsa arrives she’s in disbelief but her grief soon turns to anger as she see the bandit who shot her man. She loses her innocence twice in the span of 24 hours—first with Ennis and then when she kills the man who murdered her Ennis. Next, Everything We Know About the Yellowstone Prequel 1883, Including the Full Cast