Gayle King, who is a friend of Meghan’s, said on CBS This Morning that she had reached out to the Sussexes in the interview’s aftermath. “Harry has talked to his brother and his father, too,” she said. “The word I was given was, those conversations were not productive. But they are glad they at least started a conversation.” No one from the royal family has spoken with Meghan, she said, which is “upsetting” for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. She went on, “I think it’s frustrating for them to see that it’s a racial conversation about the royal family when all they wanted all along was for the Royals to intervene and tell the Press to stop with the unfair, inaccurate, false stories that definitely have a racial slant.” William’s only public comment on the matter has been to state that the royals are “very much not a racist family.” However, Harry is clearly hopeful that there is still a path to reconciliation with the royals. Gayle said, until there is an acknowledgment of what he and Meghan have gone through “it’s going to be hard to move forward.” She continued, “But they both want to move forward with this and they both want healing in this family. At the end of the day, that is Harry’s family.” Next up, ‘The Firm’: What Is It, And Why Did Meghan Use the Term To Describe the Royal Family?