Well, the latest craze on TikTok has people opening up about their partner’s (or closest friends’) perspective, as well as their own. The catch? After being asked “If I Was A…,” the response can only be one-word answers. People from all walks of life are getting on board with the “If I Was A” questions on TikTok, since it’s a way to share more about your personality/who you are “IRL” (similar to sharing enneagram numbers) and it’s also really fun for followers to get to know the user better. If you haven’t seen an “If I Was A” video yet, take a peek at the videos here, and then we can take a plunge into what it takes to actually make one!

Here’s the skinny on the “If I Was A” TikTok trend

This viral trend involves creating a video montage that focuses on answering questions from the point of view of someone close to you, revealing how they would best summarize you in categories like if you were a color, which color you’d be, if you were a smell, which smell you’d be, etc. You can even ask yourself the questions and do a little self-reflecting instead of posting the responses of someone else. It is a labor of love when making one of these, taking some creators six or seven hours to complete. But worth every minute! And the proof is in the pudding with the hashtag “#IfIWasA” garnering 111 million views already, and it’s continuing to climb daily.

How do you make an “If I Was A” video?

First, come up with some questions and decide how many you are going to use (we list some popular ideas below). Then, ask your partner/friend/family member questions like, “If I Was a Color?” Their response may be, “Blue.” The person asking (and making the video) would then find as many pics as they can (could be five, could be 24!) that represent the color blue for themselves. The sky, a flower or even a cool car may be some aesthetic ideas that represent “blue” for you. Utilize apps like Pinterest to help you find the perfect pictures, gathering as many as you can. Then, edit the pictures together in a way that they shuffle through seamlessly like a video flip book.  Don’t forget to find the perfect music to play along with the video, too. The number of questions being asked is totally up to you, just like the number of pictures used for each answer—but consistency matters. If you choose eight pictures for one question, you should probably keep that number the same for each question throughout the video. So don’t do eight pics for one question, and then 20 for another—this will help the video flow smoother.  As you can imagine, all of that editing could get tedious, which makes this TikTok trend pretty intense and totally impressive. (Completely worth it!)

20 Best “If I Was A” Questions To Ask Your Partner

You won’t just be able to wake up one morning on a whim and think, Hmmm, I guess I will make one of those “If I Was” videos today. You need some prepping in order to create the video.  Really think about the types of questions you want to ask. Do you have a theme to them, or are they random? Of those questions, get the answers from your partner (or yourself), comb your gallery or internet for pictures and then proceed with the hours of editing. (Still worth it!) There are no limits to the number of questions that could be asked for #IfIWasA. But if you need some inspiration, here are a few questions to ask, getting you on your way to making that stand-out video.

If I Was A:

  • Flower 
  • Color
  • Car 
  • Book
  • Building
  • Era
  • Tree
  • Animal 
  • Haircut
  • Feeling 
  • Country
  • Dessert 
  • Piece of clothing
  • Season 
  • Shape
  • Bag
  • Holiday
  • Element
  • Time of Day
  • Disney Princess
  • Movie
  • Planet
  • Food
  • Shoe
  • Bike
  • Song
  • Smell
  • Type of weather
  • Sound
  • Character
  • Place
  • Gemstone
  • Hobby
  • Flavor
  • Taylor Swift song
  • Occupation
  • Word Not only can you create an in-depth, thought-provoking video with this trend (possibly hitting viral gold too), but you may just strengthen your relationship with the person (or yourself) you are creating it with. And that alone is worth its weight in gold! Next up, 100+ “I Am” Affirmations