A A B M R S A B H M M O A K L O P U A L M T W Z A B G N O T A G I N S W Answer: samba, mambo, polka, waltz, tango, swing. The extra letters spell “rhumba.”

Can You Solve This Word Puzzle  - 15

title: “Can You Solve This Word Puzzle " ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-16” author: “Ralph Daniels”

B L O W / F A C T _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ L O N E / M I N D _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ M O V E / D A T E _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ W O R M / C O A L _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Answer: slow/fast, lose/find, love/hate, warm/cool.

Can You Solve This Word Puzzle  - 76

title: “Can You Solve This Word Puzzle " ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-05” author: “Linda Schueler”

—Binyamin Stern, New York, New York Exercise your little gray cells, readers! The answer appears below. Answer: Each word is pronounced exactly like a letter of the alphabet.

Can You Solve This Word Puzzle  - 91

title: “Can You Solve This Word Puzzle " ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-05” author: “Richard Reist”

A, A, B, E, E, E, G, G, I, O, N, N, P, P, R, U, U, W _ A _C _ R __ H _ N _G _ O _ S __ R _ M _ L _C _ M _ L _ I _ Answer: nag, carp, whine, grouse, grumble, complain

Can You Solve This Word Puzzle  - 33